Friday 25 October 2013

Three 'c' words that go with familiarity... comfort, complacency, claustrophobia.

Monday 26 August 2013

Some words.. for my mum

I remember sitting next to her
Cross legged
Brushing her hair
It feels soft

I remember leaning in
Resting on her
I can hear her heartbeat
It sounds like mine

She is one half of my heart
The safe place in which I once slept
The strength and warmth
That makes a home

When I look at her, I see
A beautiful girl, laughing
A strong woman, coping
A mother, full of love

I am her and she is me
Nothing cracks, nothing breaks
Nothing fades
Me and my mum

Thursday 30 August 2012


As a girl, I would lie on my front in the bath, watch my hair twist and swirl in the soapy water...imagine I was a mermaid.

I watch it now. Shorter, the odd flash of silver, lying still. I wonder where she is hiding.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Writer's block

Grasping at formless thoughts, they twist and flicker like shadows cast from a flame, then vanish. Frustration lingers, I imagine it smells of burning.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Empty Room

You come to know the sounds of a building.
The gentle hum of working machines...
air and water whirring through pipes...
ticking clock.

When alone, your limbs and mind relax into these sounds.
Like a baby, settled in its mother's womb,
listening to the sounds of her body.

They are sounds of existence.
They do not instruct,
they do not call for movement,
they simply are.

A door bangs.
A phone rings.
You remember that you are born.